Isla Joyce A.              BSCS-4A             CS Seminars and Educational Trips   

Reflection Report   

Webinar Title: “No Stack to Full Stack Basics of the web series  

I.  Details of the event/activity  

The title of the webinar I attended online was No Stack to Full Stack Basics of the web series held last November 20, 2022, from 1:00pm - 4:00 PM. With the guest speaker, Mr. Jezreel Joshua Martin, a Bachelor of Science and Computer Science student from Gordon College organized by the College of Computer Studies Society of Programming Enthusiast in Computer Science.

II.  Reflections on the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings)  

The webinar is good as I expected because they organized it well. Thank you for new knowledge I really need this kind of webinar especially now that our thesis is individual it is required to be a full stack developer.


III.   Positive feedback (on the event organization)  

               I learned a lot on this webinar. As I expected the speaker is so cool and at the same time so smart, he is my classmate by the way knowing him he is so enthusiastic when it comes to programming. Maybe soon I can be a programmer like him but not as smart just like him



IV.                Suggestions for improvements to be made/consider for future activities  

               Overall, it is a simple but very informative webinar. Hope that they will continue doing seminars like this.  


V.    Photos/Videos taken  

Screenshots and E-Certificate:   


























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