Joyce Isla


Isla Joyce A.              BSCS-4A            CS Seminars and Educational Trips

Reflection Report

Webinar Title: “Introduction to Progressive Web Apps

I.  Details of the event/activity

The title of the webinar I attended online was Introduction to Progressive Web Apps held last October 16, 2022, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. With the guest speaker, Mr. John Mclem Adan, Web Developer at, Community Publishing and content Lead at PWA Pilipinas.

II.  Reflections on the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings)

               The session was helpful and provided insights into the field of Introduction to Progressive Web Apps. I’m also looking forward for more webinars like this because it helps me a lot. The speaker clearly introduces to us the progressive app.


III.   Positive feedback (on the event organization)

               I can say that this webinar is worth my time because it expanded my knowledge when it comes to Progressive Web app. With the help of this webinar, I can now continue my system because my system is also a Progressive web app. The organizers and speaker are very approachable because they answer all the questions we had. The speaker told us all his experience when it comes on building progressive web app. He shares some of her knowledge so we could learn something.


IV.                Suggestions for improvements to be made/consider for future activities

               Overall, it is simple but very informative webinar. Hope that they will continue doing seminars like this.


V.    Photos/Videos taken

Screenshots and E-Certificate:
































Blog Link: 


